Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

It is the end of one year and the start of another. For many years this involved getting incredibly drunk. Now it involves very little as it is the only time of year to get some rest from bonsai...although there is lots of computer nonsense to work on.

For the new year there will be more of the same with Noelanders soon followed by Kokufu and then repotting season. In the middle of this however will be a massive event in the US. The owner of the Kennett Collection is having a huge sale, with the intention of reducing his collection down to a more manageable size. For more information, prices etc, visit the website www.thekennettcollection.com. It is a one time only chance at purchasing trees at cheaper the US at lower than Japan prices.

I will be at the sale helping out and will be on hand to give any advice. If you live in the US, then it is well worth a look.

In less interesting news, I have been in the media, the interviews i gave in November have come out. I was interviewed for a newspaper...


In which International Bonsai Mirai sits comfortably next to Shunkaen Bonsai Museum. The other was a magazine called "Kangaeru hito"

Or "Thinking People". Plain living and high thinking....clearly a magazine with low standards.

I even shaved for the occasion...the Saruyama brand gets pride of place here...even making an appearance in the interview below which is entitled "Objective is artless art". Or in my case artless sideburns.

A translation may follow at some point.

Looking forward to the new year? It is coming soon. All the best and expect nothing but the same from here :)


Wednesday 18 December 2013

An end of year silence...

I will stop apologising for the lack of blog posts, but it has been asked if I am still alive. I can confirm that I am, although sometimes getting out of bed is diffiicult. Since coming back from japan I have been busy sorting out the garden for winter, a trip down to the back of beyond in Cornwall to fix some trees that Reg Kimura styled :) and also been busy finishing off photoshoots and writing the text for the upcoming book I have been asked to write. Things are coming together now and text is being written...

Here are the project pages. Obviously it will be published in book format rather than A4 stuck to a wall format. Writing the text for the back section on care is taking ages...especially as I want the information to be more detailed than "water daily". Bonsai as you should know by now, is more complicated than that.

Here are some tools...wonder if i can get a sponsorship deal from Dremel?

Was going to cut this branch off but Chairman John said no. (For those without a sense of humor, this is a joke)

To be perfectly honest, the thought of trying to follow in the footsteps of one of the greatest UK bonsai professionals is a little daunting. A massive proportion of current UK bonsai enthusiasts would have started or been inspired by Harry Tomlinsons book and there are parts of it that are still entirely relevant today. The wiring diagrams for example are still a go to guide for reference.

It is due to published May time next year so I will have to get on with writing it...

Well, Now the calendar's just one page and, of course, I am excited...no picture of our christmas tree this year, so instead the new (old) mascot of Saruyama is here to send my best wishes and hopes for the new year to you all. Happy Holidays and see you at Noelanders.