Friday 20 September 2013

Bonsai aka Bonzai aka Banzai Trees

Just a quick post as I am frantically trying to squeeze three days work into one, but I had a great trip to Norn Iron to visit the Bonsai eejit and the NIBS Crew.  full details can be found here if you haven't already seen them... there are plenty of posts and pictures there.

The post title refers to the name we were given at the Belfast Parks show I was taken to help set up...and also from this awesome video. Not sure if anyone has posted this before but the preview alone is worth a look.  I may even buy the whole thing.


Looking at the video, there are some incredible antique Chinese and Japanese pots there...I wonder where they have gone to?  At the time they would have cost very little, the Japanese still in post war economic depression and not valuing what they had, but now...  A great video nevertheless.  Rock on British Pathe.

A full month of work is ahead of me, trips all over including Willowbog and Florida.  I wonder which will have the nicer weather? I know which will have the nicer fried breakfast....

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video. Must scour the internet to find the background music... it is to die for! LOL

    Looking forward to seeing you here in Florida!

