Tuesday 16 April 2013

All American Akiyama

The pace continues with an average of 18 trees a day, the majority of which have been potted into a variety of western pots. It is interesting to see how some of the pots are very easy to use and others not so, but somehow there is always a tree for a pot. Akiyama-san has been very impressed with some recent John Pitt pots and also the clay texture of Ron Lang. I fear that after a week here he maybe turning American, I really think so...

The other highlight so far was some drowning frogs in the pool, hanging onto each other for dear life. They were just floating around on each others back hoping to reach dry land all day long. I hope they made it out safely.

They seemed to be enjoying it anyway.

Keep on keeping on...



  1. If I may... we have seen photos of Akiyama several times before (no offence pls). Probably next time you could publish again some bonsai porn (photos and/or at least some text).


  2. I don't tend to put pictures of clients trees up on unless they say it's ok. Privacy is an important issue for many. So you will have to make do with frogs and my senpai for the moment. My apologies. For bonsai porn, pick up a copy of the chiefs book. Plus there is more to bonsai than just trees you know....

  3. Thank you Peter - keep up the good posts.
    Akiyama pictures?: So what, keep posting what you want to post - you're what makes your blog, not obliging requests like some dj!?
    Personally, I think Akiyama is in a similar category to your good self - very talented, & very under-exposed (certainly not suggesting any nudey pictures though - God forbid!?)
    Chris R

  4. Thanks for the advice Peter. Frogs will do for the moment since you insist :-)

    There are djs who play for themselves and djs who play for people listening. Not sure which is best.


  5. Speaking of porn...those frogs were doing more than "just floating around on each other's back" if you get my drift. heh


  6. There are a great number of DJs playing pop.
    There are others whose audience finds them - 'dare to be different', this isn't a one-nighter or a wedding reception. ;-P

  7. HILARIOUS "Vapors" reference...thanks for the hearty laugh.

    1. Glad somebody enjoyed it...for those who don't get it, and I'm sure most people reading this, other than Peter Snart will do...enjoy http://youtu.be/gEmJ-VWPDM4

  8. frog porn.........no sex, no drugs no wine no women .....just frogs ;-)

    the burger looked good - I'd turn American for one of those !

    i'll balance the ying and yang of bonsai blogging for T anon and offer pictures of some of the beautiful trees that are for sale @16 http://www.aqualabs.co.uk/.

  9. I hope the frogs figured out "it's time to let go, this relationship is bringing us both down." :) Also, I'm quite sure McDonald's serves burgers in Japan and Akiyama looks quite comfortable holding that one.

    1. I, however, do appreciate the occasional picture of Bonsai men.

  10. Especially pretty ones
